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the Holy Spirit and operated by: Virtual Catholic Pilgrimage Want to join the ring? Click here for info.
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Catholic Crusaders Webring!
(ccygring) -- 30 sites --
Keywords: Catholic Christian youth teens young church religion Eucharist saints Mass Mary tabernacle Catholocism Pope Holy Spirit Trinity -- Description: The Catholic Crusaders Webring is dedicated to bringing teens and young adults closer to Christ and His Church through the good Catholic sites in this ring. Sites considered for this ring MUST meet all the below requirements: Complete unity with the Holy Father, Explicidly Catholic in nature, and preferably aimed at the teen and young adult age range. If your page meets all of these above requirements, you are more than welcome to join! God bless!+ | |
The Eastern Catholic Webring
(eastcath) -- 26 sites --
Keywords: Eastern Greek Byzantine Catholic Catholicism Rites Churches Ukrainian Melkite Maronite Armenian Coptic Chaldean Syrian Syro Malabar Malankara -- Description: The Eastern Catholic Webring links together various sites on Eastern Rite Catholicism. All Eastern Catholic pages (particularly eparchies and churches) are welcome and encouraged to apply, so that any who travel this ring can learn about the rich variety of non-Latin rites in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. | |
Apologia: Catholic Apologetics Webring
(apologia) -- 4 sites --
Keywords: Catholic apologetics apologist truth true Church teach explain defend defense Catholicism theology doctrine dogma Sacraments virgin Mary protestant fundamental atheist -- Description: Devoted to pages which explain and defend the Catholic Faith against the attacks of non-believers, specifically atheists and Fundamentalists. You must be an orthodox, practical Catholic in union with the Pope of Rome to join this webring. | |
Mother Teresa Catholic Webring: The Path of Love
(pathlove) -- 114 sites --
Keywords: Catholic Mother Teresa Religion Prolife Charity Pope Saints Mary Love Christian Jesus Missionaries -- Description: This webring links homepages devoted to Mother Teresa, Catholic works, or any works or topics that follow the principles of love and charity. Mother Teresa said, "Good deeds are links that form a chain of Love." Let each of our pages represent a good deed in Mother's honor! (Please Note: All sites must be in obedience to the Magisterium) | |
(imm2) -- 85 sites --
Keywords: Catholic Militia Immaculata MI Knights Marian Mary Sacred Heart Pro-life Apologetic Evangelistic Hearts Columbus Prayer Salvation Immaculate Conception -- Description: A Catholic Evangelical/Apologetic Ministry for websites of The Militia Immaculata or those sites containing a high content of material related to The Immaculate Heart of Mary. It is dedicated to the salvation of souls through The Sacred and Immaculate Hearts. | |
Papal Webring
(papal) -- 15 sites --
Keywords: Catholic pope papacy Peter Rome Vatican -- Description: This Roman Catholic webring is intended to honor those sites which are faithful to the Holy Father, and also to promote those sites which provide information about the papacy. | |
Catholic WebMasters
(cathweb) -- 10 sites --
Keywords: Catholics Graphics web site building -- Description: This webring will hopefully be a resource for anyone who is looking for both support and content(graphics)and wants to build a website with Catholic content. Your site will have to be a site loyal to the Magisterium of the Church. Both sites containing graphics and sites that have other content will be listed. It is hoped that the sites will be about more than web site building or graphics so others may have them as a resource. |